Easter Recipes and Crafts for Kids

Easter and April Fools don’t exactly go together, but this year they’re on the same day so we’ll roll with it!
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
When we were growing up, my mom would call us from work on April Fool’s Day morning and tell us school was cancelled that day (every kid’s dream!). We fell for it every year, forgetting that she’d pulled it the previous year, too!
If you’re more into celebrating Easter, here are a few crafts and recipes to try out with the kids!
Rice Krispie Nests via Crafty Morning
2. Easter Egg Suncatcher via Fun365
3. Easter Bunny Munch via Moritz Fine Designs
4. Shaving Cream Dyed Eggs via Crafty Morning
5. Easter Bunny Pancakes via Taste of Home
And if you really want to get your kids for April Fool’s, this ought to do the trick…
Happy Easter!