Boost Your Program’s Visibility
All licensed Minnesota family daycare providers and childcare centers receive a complimentary basic profile on Daycare Detector, which includes essential state-provided information like name, address, and phone number.
Elevate your professional appeal and distinguish your program by customizing your profile. Showcase your unique care style and facilities in a professional, inviting manner that resonates with families seeking the best daycare options. It's free!
Keep your program's openings up-to-date and fill spots more efficiently by managing your availability directly within the Daycare Detector app for free. Simplify how parents find and choose your services, ensuring a quicker way to full enrollment.
Daycare Detector Features For Daycare Providers
Basic Features
- Customized, professional provider profile with a detailed description of your daycare
- Ability to add up to 5 photos of your facility
- Upload a job openings
Premium Features
All basic features plus:
- Capability to show openings and anticipated openings in real time
- Calendar to show back-up or drop-in care availability on a day-to-day basis
- Rank higher on searches
- Detailed summary on map search results, including photo, business name, and contact information
- Ability to send and receive parents messages through the portal
- Free website service