Tips for Making Weekday Mornings Easier

Tips for Making Weekday Mornings Easier

Raise your hand if, as a working parent, your weekday mornings start with a leisurely cup of coffee and some quiet reading time, a long, hot shower and a delicious home cooked breakfast before the kids get up.

Yeah, didn’t think so. But if your mornings do start like that, hats off to you.


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Being a working parent, especially with an 8-5 job that requires drop-off at daycare, means that weekday mornings are usually hectic, stressful and rushed, not quite the idyllic bonding time you might have envisioned before going back to work.

Here are a few tips to help make mornings a little easier for you, and the kids, during the rush to work five days a week.

  1. Prep at Night: The more you can prepare the night before, the smoother the mornings can go. Choosing your outfit, the kids clothes, setting out all of their shoes and coats needed for daycare, getting the coffee pot ready and packing your lunch are all ways to help your mornings get started on the right foot.

  2. Create a Command Station: Have a common spot for important things that can easily get lost -- car keys, backpacks, homework, shoes, etc. -- so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute or when running late. If your kids are old enough, train them to put their things there, too.

  3. Shower at Night: If mornings are really rushed for you, showering in the evening could be a great way to save time and allow for just a quick touch up in the morning versus 45 minutes to an hour of getting ready. You might even get to sleep for a few extra minutes in the morning!

  4. Batch Cook Breakfasts: If you need to feed the kids breakfast before daycare or school, make batches of egg muffins, overnight oats, breakfast muffins or breakfast tacos so getting the kids fed is easy and quick. Maybe they can even self-serve to give you a few extra minutes to get ready. Check out my Pinterest board for more breakfast ideas!

  5. Give your Kids Tasks of Their Own: Often parents end up doing the brunt of the tasks in the morning because they can do it faster and kids have a tendency to not be in a big hurry in the morning. But giving them tasks and making them stick to them can take pressure off you and give you more time to get yourself together in the morning. Pick age appropriate tasks that you know your child will succeed at so it doesn’t become something that delays you more than it helps.

  6. Create a Routine: Most kids thrive off of routine. Create a consistent routine for weekday mornings that your kids know and can follow without you. It should be a simple routine with ample time to complete, since rushing kids generally only escalates delays further.

  7. Offer an incentive: If your kids are old enough, giving them an incentive to complete their morning routine and tasks could be a way to help them move quicker and get more done on their own. Maybe it’s 15 minutes of screen time, or a check on a chart that leads to a treat they are trying to earn. Kids love incentives as long as they are catered to what motivates them!

There will always be the rushed mornings, the late starts and the spilled cereal that wasn’t planned for, but using some of these tips might help everyone start their mornings on the right foot a little more often.

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